发布时间:2022-11-19Figure 1. a) Electrostatic potential mapping of SPA molecule and schematic diagram of deliberate design of SPA as modification layer between the TiO2 and perovskite buried interface. b) The survey XPS spectra of control and target TiO2 films. c) S 2p, d) K 2p, e) Ti 2p, and f) O 1s core-level XPS spectra of control and target TiO2 films. g) FTIR spectra of control and target TiO2 as well as pure SPA powder in the wavenumber range of 600–1250 cm−1.
Figure 2. Surface topographic SEM images of a) control and b) target TiO2 films. Corresponding EDS mapping of c) S element and d) K element for target TiO2 films. e) Optical transmittance spectra of FTO and different FTO/TiO2 films. f) Conductivity measurements for control and target TiO2 employing the four-probe method. g) Electron mobility measurements of control and target TiO2 deposited on FTO substrates. h) The optimized geometries of C=O and−SO3− in SPA molecules adsorption on TiO2 surface, where the brown, gray, light pink, pink, yellow, and blue atoms represent the C, O, H, K, S, and Ti atoms, respectively.
Figure 3. Top-view SEM images of perovskite films deposited on a) control and d) target TiO2 substrates. AFM images of perovskite films depos-ited on b) control and e) target TiO2 substrates. GIWAXS patterns of perovskite films deposited on c) control and f) target TiO2 at an incident angle of 0.3°. g) XRD spectra of different perovskite films. h) UPS spectra of different TiO2 films. i) Schematic illustration of energy level diagram of different layers.
Figure 4. a) UV–vis absorption spectra of perovskite films deposited on control and target TiO2 substrates. b) Representative absolute PL spectra of samples with different structures illustrated through glass side. c) PLQY values of samples with different structures illustrated through glass side. Inset: the corresponding ΔQFLS values. d) TRPL decays measured at a fluence of 3.1 µJ/cm2 using pulsed (1 MHz repetition rate) excitation at 445 nm. The solid curves are double-exponential fits to the decays. e) The differential lifetime τdiff calculated for the TRPL decays at a fluence of 3.1 µJ/cm2. f) EIS spectra of control and target photovoltaic devices under the dark conditions. g) The optimized structures of C=O, −SO3−, and K+ in SPA molecules adsorption on CsPbI3 surface, where the brown, gray, light pink, pink, yellow, green, black, and purple atoms, respectively, represent the C, O, H, K, S, Cs, Pb, and I atoms.
Figure 5. a) J–V curves of champion devices with or without SPA modification. b) Steady-state photocurrent at the maximum power point under AM 1.5G one sun illumination. c) EQE and integrated current density spectra of target devices. d) TPC and e) TPV curves of control and target devices. f) Statistical diagram of energy loss. g) Comparison of the VOC loss for CsPbI3-based PSCs reported so far. h) XRD patterns of the perovskite films exposed to a controlled relative humidity of 25 ± 5%. i) Evolution of the normalized PCE for the unencapsulated devices under conditions of 25 ± 5% RH and 25 ± 5 °C.