
梁倬健 教授
博士生导师邮 箱:zjliang@ustb.edu.cn
电 话:010-62334725
地 址:工程实践楼一期5层
2018年-2022年, 香港中文大学,机械工程与自动化系,博士后
2013年-2018年, 香港中文大学,机械工程与自动化系,博士
2012年-2013年, 香港科技大学,土木与环境工程学院,硕士
主要在金属空气电池、锂离子电池、电化学原位分析等研究领域开展工作,取得了多项原创性研究成果。在相关领域发表研究论文16篇,其中以第一作者发表5篇,包括 Journal of the American Chemical Society (1篇), Energy & Environmental Science (2篇)等。其中单篇论文最高引用超过231次(Google Scholar),该论文被评为“Web of Science Highly Cited Paper”;参与撰写《Metal-Air Batteries: Fundamentals and Applications》第7章 “Lithium–Air Battery Mediator”。
1. Liang, Z., Zou, Q., Xie, J. and Lu, Y.C., Suppressing singlet oxygen generation in lithium–oxygen batteries with redox mediators. Energy & Environmental Science, 2020,13(9), pp.2870-2877.
2. Liang, Z., Zhou, Y. and Lu, Y.C., Dynamic oxygen shield eliminates cathode degradation in lithium–oxygen batteries. Energy & Environmental Science, 2018,11(12), pp.3500-3510.
3. Liang, Z. and Lu, Y.C., Critical role of redox mediator in suppressing charging instabilities of lithium–oxygen batteries. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016,138(24), pp.7574-7583.
4. Liang, Z., Zou, Q., Wang, Y. and Lu, Y.C., Recent progress in applying in situ/operando characterization techniques to probe the solid/liquid/gas interfaces of Li–O2 batteries. Small Methods, 2017,1(7), p.1700150.
5. Liang, Z. and Lu, Y.C., 2021. Mechanistic Understanding of Oxygen Electrodes in Rechargeable Multivalent Metal‐Oxygen Batteries. Batteries & Supercaps, 2021,4(10), pp.1588-1598.
6. Xie, J., Liang, Z. and Lu, Y.C., Molecular crowding electrolytes for high-voltage aqueous batteries. Nature materials, 2020,19(9), pp.1006-1011.
7. Zou, Q., Liang, Z., Du, G.Y., Liu, C.Y., Li, E.Y. and Lu, Y.C., Cation-directed selective polysulfide stabilization in alkali metal–sulfur batteries. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018,140(34), pp.10740-10748.
8. Wang, Y., Liang, Z., Zou, Q., Cong, G. and Lu, Y.C.,,Mechanistic insights into catalyst-assisted nonaqueous oxygen evolution reaction in lithium–oxygen batteries. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016,120(12), pp.6459-6466.
9. Zou, Q., Sun, Y., Liang, Z., Wang, W. and Lu, Y.C., 2021. Achieving Efficient Magnesium–Sulfur Battery Chemistry via Polysulfide Mediation. Advanced Energy Materials, 2021,11(31), p.2101552.
10. Wang, W., Lai, N.C., Liang, Z., Wang, Y. and Lu, Y.C., Superoxide stabilization and a universal KO2 growth mechanism in potassium–oxygen batteries. Angewandte Chemie, 2018,130(18), pp.5136-5140.
11. Lai, N.C., Cong, G., Liang, Z. and Lu, Y.C., A highly active oxygen evolution catalyst for lithium-oxygen batteries enabled by high-surface-energy facets. Joule, 2018,2(8), pp.1511-1521.
12. Chen, H., Zou, Q., Liang, Z., Liu, H., Li, Q. and Lu, Y.C., Sulphur-impregnated flow cathode to enable high-energy-density lithium flow batteries. Nature Communications, 2015, 6(1), pp.1-9.
13. Dong, D., Xie, J., Liang, Z. and Lu, Y.C., Tuning intermolecular interactions of molecular crowding electrolyte for high-performance aqueous batteries. ACS Energy Letters, 2021, 7(1), pp.123-130.
14. Cong, G., Wang, W., Lai, N.C., Liang, Z. and Lu, Y.C., 2019. A high-rate and long-life organic–oxygen battery. Nature Materials, 2019 18(4), pp.390-396.
15. Yang, B., Jiang, H., Zhou, Y., Liang, Z., Zhao, T. and Lu, Y.C., 2019. Critical role of anion donicity in Li2S deposition and sulfur utilization in Li–S batteries. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2019, 11(29), pp.25940-25948.
16. Ai, F., Wang, Z., Lai, N.C., Zou, Q., Liang, Z. and Lu, Y.C., 2022. Heteropoly acid negolytes for high-power-density aqueous redox flow batteries at low temperatures. Nature Energy, 2022, 7(5), pp.417-426.